Do I really need wheel alignment?

YES!For you to have a better understanding of what tyre alignment also known as wheel alignment is, here is an explanation of the progress.

Trucks have tandem drive axles, meaning that the front end is only doing part of the job. While the front tyres do the turning and absorbs the side forces that go along with negotiating a turn, it’s important that the drive axles be properly in line as well, if the drive axles are even slightly misaligned, they can cause a ‘trust’ angle or a ‘scrub’ angle problem, either pushing the vehicle away from the centre line or trying to turn the vehicle in either case. This could accelerates wear on the front tires, fatigues the driver from trying to keep the truck in a straight line and consume more fuel.

Wheel Alignment refers to an adjustment of a vehicle’s suspension – the system that connects a vehicle to its wheels. It is not an adjustment of the tyres themselves. The key to proper wheel alignment is by adjusting the angles of the tyres which affects how they make contact with the road.

Proper wheel alignment is one on which all wheels aim in the same direction. Specifications are set by manufactures and are unique to each vehicle. There are many types of vehicle maintenance, one of which is wheel alignment that is very essential for all kinds of automobiles.  Wheel alignment is done to prolong tread life and maintain safety on the road. Since you are more likely to drive your truck every day, it is estimated that 70-80% of trucks on the road are in need of wheel alignment.

Wheel alignment is not the only important aspect for maintenance but it also has combined safety issues for you and other road users. Misaligned tyres driven to the point of severe replacement wear can cause unexpected blow outs while driving. At high speeds, these could result in a tyre blow out and cause an accident that could lead to death. Taken into consideration the impact misalignment has on tyres, it is safe to say that your brakes are also affected. The wheels aren’t aligned in the same direction and so the brakes will not function at the same precise moment which is a big concern for you and other road users around you, this is an obvious risk factor.

NOTE: If you consider the costs used on fuel and tyres; the two main constant factors on any budget, does it really compare to the cost for a preventative wheel alignment schedule? I THINK NOT!

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